Hallandale Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (HBCRA) programs foster community involvement and address quality-of-life issues, eliminating and preventing blighted conditions and revitalizing the economic integrity of the community. The HBCRA offers five residential programs that assist in the redevelopment of the community redevelopment area in order to eliminate the slum and blighted conditions, thus improving the attractiveness and quality of life for our existing and future residents of the City of Hallandale Beach. All HBCRA programs are on a first come, first ready basis, subject to the availability of funds.  If you are a homeowner or future homeowner, please take advantage of these opportunities.


The HBCRA is now accepting new applications. Please note that you must make an appointment to submit your complete application package (no walk-ins).

Applications reopen on October 1, 2024, for fiscal year 2024-2025.

The deadline to apply for any of the programs for fiscal year 2024-2025 is June 26, 2025.


Applications for residents within Hallandale Beach, but outside the CRA area have been reopened on a first come, first served basis.


Under this program, the Hallandale Beach CRA (HBCRA) provides a maximum amount of $100,000 in down payment assistance for the purchase of a first home in the CRA district. These funds are available to affordable housing buyers (whose income is between 50% and 120% of the Broward County median income guidelines) to be used for gap funding and closing costs. The program also provides an incentive of up to $10,000 in down payment assistance for workforce housing buyers whose income is above 120% but not more than 140% median. An additional $5,000 incentive is available for first responders, teachers and nurses.


Neighborhood Improvement Program (NIP) is intended to encourage neighborhood beautification and enhanced curb appeal in all areas of the redevelopment district. Our goal is to provide financial assistance for exterior residential facade improvements in the redevelopment district for the purpose of improving property conditions and value, and aiding in the elimination of slum and blight. The program offers up to $50,000 for single-family homes and up to $75,000 for multi-family homes for qualified exterior improvements.


Under the Paint Program, the Hallandale Beach CRA (HBCRA) can provide assistance to home/property owners who wish to utilize the services of a qualified paint company/contractor. Homeowners or property owners utilizing the services of a qualified paint company/contractor can receive assistance of up to $3,000 for single-family dwellings, with the HBCRA paying a portion of the cost (90%) and the applicant paying the balance (10%) and up to $6,000 for multi-unit dwellings, with the HBCRA paying a portion of the cost (75%) and the applicant paying the balance (25%).

Additionally, there is a free paint program (PTT) available for property and homeowners. Contact the HBCRA office for additional information.


Under the Paint the Town Program, the HBCRA can PAINT YOUR HOUSE FOR FREE. The painters are selected by the HBCRA staff for this program.


The HBCRA Board of Directors is happy to assist residents who have received a rental increase of 15% or higher. The program launched in October 2022 and we are still accepting applications.

  • The Rent Stabilization Program is to provide rental assistance for up to 12 months to residents in the Hallandale Beach CRA area.
  • The program is only available to Hallandale Beach residents residing within the CRA boundaries, who are unable to pay rent due to a recent rise in their monthly rental amounts.
  • Only one person per household can apply.
  • Applicants applying for assistance to pay an increase in their existing rent may receive up to $600 per month (for a total of $7,200 a year)
  • Priority will be given to seniors aged 60 and older as well as households with family members under the age of 18.
  • Must show proof that Rent has risen 15% or more


**We will begin accepting applications in October for next fiscal year**


The HBCRA’s Storm Shutter Program provides up to $10,000 in assistance for owner-occupied properties (excluding those in trailer parks) to install storm shutters or impact-resistant glass. The funds are paid directly to the contractor for installation, with the homeowner responsible for any costs exceeding the $10,000 limit. Seniors aged 60 and older may be eligible for a second round of assistance, provided the property is homesteaded and their income is at or below 50% of the Broward County area median. The maximum assistance for the second round is $7,000.


The RHP is a subset of the Neighborhood Improvement Program (NIP). Applicants are identified to be eligible for this program once the property assessment, ordered by the HBCRA, proves that the costs of the recommended NIP improvements exceed 50% of the property appraiser’s assessed value of the property. Under the Replacement Home Program, the HBCRA will provide a low interest or interest-free loan up to $250,000 (or the current cost of construction with plans, permits, construction and finishes) to single-family home owner.


This program provides up to $15,000 in financial assistance to seniors (age 60+) for exterior residential facade improvements in the redevelopment district for the purpose of improving property conditions and value and eradicating of slum and blight. The grant can also assist with interior repairs to mitigate life safety issues, including removal of asbestos, mold, home barriers to the disabled and/or elderly or other life safety issues as determined by the Building or Code Compliance Official. A property can be assisted twice every four years providing that no other HBCRA loans or City liens exist on the property.


This program provides up to $500 a month toward rental or utility expenses for up to six months. Applicants must be income-eligible (50% Area Median Income), senior households (age 60+), reside within the HBCRA boundaries, and spend more than 30% of household’s income on housing costs.


Highland Park Village is an affordable housing development.  In order to assure that these units remain affordable potential buyers must be approved by the Hallandale Beach CRA to purchase these units.  Please complete the application and submit it with all the required documents and the application fee.

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